Embracing fear and stepping out of your comfort zone is never easy, and taking the first step is always the hardest. Let’s be honest. It can sometimes be overwhelming and intimidating, but it’s also essential to personal and professional growth. This last week I stepped way outside my comfort zone and started a new endeavor. I made sure to start my day by putting on a power outfit and I know that piece of clothing helped me embrace the fear and step outside my comfort zone.

An overlooked tool in the toolbox that can help you embrace the fear and take that first step is to assess and up level your wardrobe. What you wear can impact your mindset, influencing how you perceive yourself and how others perceive you.

Deciding to assess what you’re wearing and how you’re showing up can help empower you to take those first steps and beyond.

The Power of First Impressions

Your wardrobe and what you choose to wear are impactful and significant because first impressions matter. Whether you think so or not, your outfit is an essential factor in how others perceive you. If you choose to uplevel how you dress, you’re more likely to project confidence and competence, which can help you feel more self-assured. Whether you’re heading into a challenging situation, giving a presentation, closing a new client, or trying something new, choosing to wear an outfit that gives you a confidence boost can give you the edge you need to tackle the task head-on.

Dress for the Role You Want

Some may think that dressing for success is cliché, but after working with clients for years, my clients have experienced how it can be a powerful strategy in achieving their goals. When you dress confidently and bring your “A game” as if you already embody the qualities you aspire to, you start to internalize those traits.  If you want to be seen as a leader:

  1. Build confidence to collaborate or stand out, wear outfits that exude confidence, authenticity, and professionalism.
  2. Choose pieces that reflect your innovation and boldness to boost creativity.
  3. Align your wardrobe with your ambitions to foster the mindset needed to step out of your comfort zone.

The Psychology of Color

Color can play a crucial role in how we feel and how others perceive us. For example, red can evoke feelings of strength and power, blue is often associated with trust, and orange is thought to help with creativity. Understanding the psychology of colors can be an important part of creating a wardrobe that works for you. It’s worth it to take time to experiment with different colors and hues to see how they affect your mood.

Comfort and Confidence

In today’s post-Covid world, I hear from clients that they want to be comfortable, so it’s important to dress for the role you want and find comfortable pieces. When you don’t feel authentic and are not confident or comfortable in what you’re wearing, the clothes can distract you and undermine your confidence. Investing in pieces that fit well and make you feel good is essential to the overall look. When you’re comfortable and confident, you’re more likely to be productive and collaborate and less likely to be held back by self-doubt.

Signature Style as a Confidence Booster

Developing a signature style or brand can boost your confidence and make you more memorable and stand out. When you take time to create an authentic signature style that reflects your personality and values, you can be more memorable whether you’re an entrepreneur or in corporate. Having a go-to look can save you time and provide a sense of stability and confidence, especially in unfamiliar situations. Ultimately, it can help you embrace fear and step out of your comfort zone.

Stepping into New Roles with Style

Over time, we change and evolve, yet we hang onto clothes from two, five, and ten years ago. What worked for you years ago may not work for you today. As you take the first steps into the fear, consider how your wardrobe can help ease you into the transition. Whether working on a new project, starting a new job or position, or launching a business, your clothing choices can support and propel you into your new identity. Dressing the part can help you mentally prepare for the challenges ahead and signal to yourself and others that you’re ready to embrace the change.

The Impact of Positive Feedback

When you dress well, you’ll likely receive positive feedback from others. While this may seem unimportant, compliments and positive reinforcement boost your confidence and motivate you to keep pushing your boundaries. You can use the validation as fuel to embrace fear, continue stepping out of your comfort zone, and strive for personal growth.


Your wardrobe and everything in it can be a powerful tool to help you stand out, find confidence, show up authentically, and find personal empowerment. Dressing with intention can influence your mindset, boost your confidence, and help you face new challenges. So, the next time you’re preparing to step out of your comfort zone, take a moment to consider what you’re wearing. The right outfit might be just what you need to embrace the fear and achieve your goals.